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Validating thread safety with testing

Put priority on thread safety issues surfaced by real-world testing. Run the test suite for your project and fix any failures that occur only with the GIL disabled. Some issues may be due to changes in Python 3.13 that are not specific to the free-threaded build.

If you are unable to run your package with the GIL disabled because of problems in extension modules or in dependencies, you can still test with the GIL enabled by setting the thread switch interval to a very small value (e.g. a microsecond or shorter). You can call sys.setswitchiterval before running multithreaded tests to force Python to release the GIL more often that the default configuration. This can expose thread safety issues that the GIL is masking.

Unless your tests make heavy use of the threading module, you will likely not hit many issues, so also consider constructing multithreaded tests to expose bugs based on workflows you want to support. Issues found in these tests are the issues your users will most likely hit first.

Multithreaded Python programs can exhibit race conditions which produce random results depending on the order of execution in a multithreaded context. This can happen even with the GIL providing locking, so long as the algorithm releases the GIL at some point, and many Python operations can lead to the GIL being released at some point. If your library was not designed with multithreading in mind, it is likely that some form of locking or synchronization is necessary to make mutable data structures defined by your library thread-safe. You should document the thread-safety guarantees of your library, both with and without the GIL.

You should focus your efforts on analyzing the safety of shared use of mutable data structures or mutable global state. Decide whether it is supported and to what level it is supported to share mutable state between threads. It is a valid choice to leave it up to users to add synchronization, with the proviso that thread-unsafe data structures should be clearly documented as such.

Generally global mutable state is not safe in the free-threaded build without some form of locking. Many projects use global mutable state (e.g. module-level or class-level state) for convenience with the assumption that the GIL provides locking on the state. That will most likely not be valid without some form of explicit locking on the free-threaded build. It is also likely that there are latent thread-safety issues related to use of global state even in the GIL-enabled build.

Many test suites are implemented using global mutable state or assume that tests cannot run simultaneously. See the section below on global state in tests for more information about updating test suites to work with the free-threaded build and dealing with tests that become flaky when run in a thread pool.

You can look at pytest-run-parallel as well as pytest-freethreaded, which both offer pytest plugins to enable running tests in an existing pytest test suite simultaneously in many threads, with the goal of validating thread safety. unittest-ft offers similar functionality for running unittest-based tests in parallel.

These plugins are useful for discovering issues related to use of global state, but cannot discover issues from multithreaded use of data structures defined by your library.

If you would like to create your own testing utilities, the concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor class is a lightweight way to create multithreaded tests where many threads repeatedly call a function simultaneously. You can also use the threading module directly for more complicated multithreaded test workflows. Adding a threading.Barrier before a line of code that you suspect will trigger a race condition is a good way to synchronize workers and increase the chances that an infrequent test failure will trigger.

NumPy makes use of the following helper function to enable writing explicitly multithreaded tests, with a number of useful features to generically set up different testing scenarios:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import threading

def run_threaded(
    """Runs a function many times in parallel"""
    for _ in range(outer_iterations):
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as tpe:
            if prepare_args is None:
                args = []
                args = prepare_args()
            if pass_barrier:
                barrier = threading.Barrier(num_threads)
            if pass_count:
                all_args = [(func, i, *args) for i in range(num_threads)]
                all_args = [(func, *args) for i in range(num_threads)]
                futures = []
                for arg in all_args:
                if len(futures) < num_threads and pass_barrier:
            for f in futures:

Using this helper, you could write a multithreaded test using a shared list like this:

def test_parallel_append():
    shared_list = []

    def closure(i, b):

    run_threaded(closure, num_threads=8, pass_barrier=True, pass_count=True)

    assert sum(shared_list) == sum(range(8))

Generally multithreaded tests look something like the above: define a closure that operates on (possibly) shared data, spawn a thread pool that runs the closure in many threads, and assert something about the state of the world either inside the closure or after the thread pool finishes running. The assertion might be merely that a crash doesn't happen, in which case no explicit asserts are necessary.

Tests that fail due to thread safety issues are inherently flaky. You should not be surprised to see tests that pass or fail randomly, or even fail a very small percentage of the time. When writing multithreaded tests your goal should be to maximize the chances of triggering a thread safety issue. You could pass outer_iterations to run_threaded to multiply the number of chances a thread triggers a thread safety issue in a single test.

Fixing thread-unsafe tests.

Many existing tests are written using global state. This is not a problem if the test only runs once, but if you would like to use your tests to check for possible thread safety issues by running existing tests on many threads, you will likely need to update the tests to eliminate use of global state.

Since tests using global state are inherently racey, this means that test failures associated with these tests are also inherently flakey. If you see tests failing intermittently, you should not discount that you are using global state in a test, or even inadvertently using global state in pytest itself.

pytest is not thread-safe

See the pytest docs for more information about this. While tests can manage their own threads, you should not assume that functionality provided by pytest is thread-safe.

Functionality that is known not to be thread-safe includes:

Note that the pytest maintainers have explicitly ruled out making pytest thread-safe, please do not open issues asking to fix thread safety issues in pytest itself.

The warnings module is not thread-safe

Many tests carefully ensure that warnings will be seen by the user in cases where the library author intends users to see them. These tests inevintably make use of the warnings module. As noted in the documentation for warnings.catch_warnings, the functionality provided by Python to track warnings is inherently thread-unsafe. This means tests that check for warnings should be marked as thread-unsafe and should be skipped when running tests on many threads simultaneously, since they will randomly pass or fail depending on thread timing.

Hopefully in the future it will be possible for Python to write a scalable infrastucture for tracking warnings to fix this issue once and for all. See the CPython issue tracking this problem for more information.

File system thread safety

Many tests make use of the file system, either via a temporary file, or by simply directly writing to the folder running the test. If the filename used by the test is a constant or it is ever shared between instances of the test, the filesystem becomes shared global state, and the test will not be thread-safe.

The easiest way to fix this is to use tempfile, which automatically handles generating file handles in a thread-safe manner. If for some reason this isn't practical, consider forcing the filenames used in tests to be unique, for example by appending a UUID to the filename.

Hypothesis is not thread-safe

The details of this are spelled out in the Hypothesis documentation. Similar to Pytest, it should be safe to spawn helper threads in a hypothesis test and pass data generated by hypothesis into those threads, so long as the use of helper threads does not change the order in which hypothesis generates test data or exhibits non-deterministic behavior. It is also not safe to interact with the Hypothesis API simultaneously from multiple threads.