Updating Extension Modules
Here we are going to re-hash some of the same topics covered in the previous section but with a focus on advice for updating native extension modules, particularly modules relying directly on the CPython C API. The general advice remains the same: identify supported multithreaded workflows, add testing, and fix and identified thread safety issues. We will also describe how to handle some common thread-unsafe patterns we have found in many extension modules across the open source ecosystem.
Declaring free-threaded support
Extension modules need to explicitly indicate they support running with the GIL disabled, otherwise a warning is printed and the GIL is re-enabled at runtime after importing a module that does not support the GIL.
C or C++ extension modules using multi-phase initialization can specify the
module slot like this:
static PyModuleDef_Slot module_slots[] = {
{Py_mod_gil, Py_MOD_GIL_NOT_USED},
{0, NULL}
The Py_mod_gil
slot has no effect in the non-free-threaded build.
Extensions that use single-phase initialization need to call
in the module's initialization function:
PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&module);
if (mod == NULL) {
return NULL;
PyUnstable_Module_SetGIL(mod, Py_MOD_GIL_NOT_USED);
return mod;
C++ extension modules making use of pybind11
can easily declare support for
running with the GIL disabled via the
argument to create_extension_module
. Example:
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m, py::mod_gil_not_used()) {
Cython code can be thread-unsafe and just like C and C++ code can exhibit undefined behavior due to data races.
Code operating on Python objects should not exhibit any low-level data corruption or C undefined behavior due to Python-level semantics. If you find such a case, it may be a Cython or CPython bug and should be reported as such.
That said, as opposed to data races, race conditions that produces random results from a multithreaded algorithm are not undefined behavior and are allowed in Python and therefore Cython as well. You will still need to add locking or synchronization where appropriate to ensure reproducible results when running a multithreaded algorithm on shared mutable data. See the suggested plan of attack below for more details about discovering and fixing thread safety issues for Python native extensions.
Starting with Cython 3.1.0 (available via the nightly wheels, a PyPI
pre-release or the master
branch as of right now), extension modules
written in Cython can do so using the
compiler directive.
You can do this in one of several ways, e.g., in a source file:
# cython: freethreading_compatible=True
Or by passing the directive when invoking the cython
$ cython -X freethreading_compatible=True
Or via a build system specific way of passing directives to Cython.
Here are a few examples of how to globally enable the directive in a few popular build systems:
When using setuptools, you can pass the compiler_directives
keyword argument
to cythonize
from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as cython_version
from packaging.version import Version
compiler_directives = {}
if Version(cython_version) >= Version("3.1.0a0"):
compiler_directives["freethreading_compatible"] = True
When using Meson, you can add the directive to the cython_args
passing to py.extension_module
cy = meson.get_compiler('cython')
cython_args = []
if cy.version().version_compare('>=3.1.0')
cython_args += ['-Xfreethreading_compatible=True']
cython_args: cython_args,
You can also globally add the directive for all Cython extension modules:
cy = meson.get_compiler('cython')
if cy.version().version_compare('>=3.1.0')
add_project_arguments('-Xfreethreading_compatible=true', language : 'cython')
In CI, you will need to ensure a nightly cython is installed for free-threaded builds. See the docs on setting up CI for advice on how to build projects that depend on Cython.
If you use the CPython C API via PyO3, then you can follow the PyO3 Guide section on supporting free-threaded Python. You must also update your extension to at least version 0.23.
You should write multithreaded tests of any code you expose to Python. See the details about testing in our suggested plan of attack below as well as the guidance for updating test suites. You should fix any thread safety issues you discover while running multithreaded tests.
As of PyO3 0.23, PyO3 enforces Rust's borrow checking rules at
runtime and may produce runtime panics if you simultaneously mutably borrow
data in more than one thread. You may want to consider storing state in using
atomic data structures, with mutexes or locks, or behind Arc
Once you are satisfied the Python modules defined by your rust crate are
thread safe, you can pass gil_used = false
to the pymodule
#[pymodule(gil_used = false)]
fn my_module(py: Python, m: &Bound<'_, PyModule>) -> PyResult<()> {
If you define any modules procedurally by manually creating a PyModule
struct without using the pymodule
macro, you can call
after instantiating the module.
If you use the pyo3-ffi
crate and/or unsafe
FFI calls to call directly into the C
API, then see the section on porting C extensions in this guide as well as
the PyO3 source code.
Starting with NumPy 2.1.0, extension modules containing f2py-wrapped
Fortran code can declare they are thread-safe and support free-threading
using the
command-line argument:
$ python -m numpy.f2py -c code.f -m my_module --freethreading-compatible
If you publish binaries and have downstream libraries that depend on your library, we suggest adding support as described above and uploading nightly wheels as soon as basic support for the free-threaded build is established in the development branch. This will ease the work of libraries that depend on yours to also add support for the free-threaded build.
Porting C Extensions
The CPython C API exposes the Py_GIL_DISABLED
macro in the free-threaded
build. You can use it to enable low-level code that only runs under the
free-threaded build, isolating possibly performance-impacting changes to the
free-threaded build:
// free-threaded specific code goes here
// code for gil-enabled builds goes here
Locking and Synchronization Primitives
Native mutexes
If your extension is written in C++, Rust, or another modern language that exposes locking primitives in the standard library, you should consider using the locking primitives provided by your language or framework to add locks when needed.
If you need to call arbitrary Python code while the lock is held, care should be taken to avoid creating deadlocks with the GIL on the GIL-enabled build.
For C code or C-like C++ code, the CPython 3.13 C API exposes
, a
high-performance locking primitive that supports static allocation. As of
CPython 3.13, the mutex requires only one byte for storage, but future versions
of CPython may change that, so you should not rely on the size of PyMutex
your code.
You can use PyMutex
in both the free-threaded and GIL-enabled build of Python
3.13 or newer. PyMutex
is hooked into the CPython runtime, so that if a thread
tries to acquire the mutex and ends up blocked, garbage collection can still
proceed and, in the GIL-enabled build, the blocked thread releases the GIL,
allowing other threads to continue running. This implies that it is impossible
to create a deadlock between a PyMutex
and the GIL. For this reason, it is not
necessary to add code for the GIL-enabled build to ensure the GIL is released
before acquiring a PyMutex
. If you do not call into the CPython C API while
holding the lock, PyMutex
has no special advantages over other mutexes, besides
low-level details like performance or the size of the mutex object in memory.
See the section on dealing with thread-unsafe low-level libraries below for an example using PyMutex to lock around a thread-unsafe C library.
Critical Sections
Python 3.13 or newer also offers a critical section API that is useful for locking either a single object or a pair of objects during a low-level operation. The critical section API is intended to provide weaker, but still useful locking guarantees compared to directly locking access to an object using a mutex. This provides similar guarantees to the GIL and avoids the risk of deadlocks introduced by locking individual objects.
The main difference compared with using a per-object lock is that active
critical sections are suspended if a thread calls PyEval_SaveThread
(e.g. when
the GIL is released on the GIL-enabled build), and then restored when the thread
calls PyEval_RestoreThread
(e.g. when the GIL is re-acquired on the
GIL-enabled build). This means that while the critical sections are suspended,
it's possible for any thread to re-acquire a thread state and mutate the locked
object. This can also happen with the GIL, since the GIL is a re-entrant lock,
and extensions are allowed to recursively release and acquire it in an
interleaved manner.
Critical sections are most useful when implementing the low-level internals of a custom object that you fully control. You can apply critical sections around modification of internal state to effectively serialize access to that state.
See the section below on dealing with thread-unsafe objects for an example using the critical section API.
Dealing with global state
Many CPython C extensions make strong assumptions about the GIL. For example, before NumPy 2.1.0, the C code in NumPy made extensive use of C static global variables for storing settings, state, and caches. With the GIL, it is possible for Python threads to produce non-deterministic results from a calculation, but it is not possible for two C threads to simultaneously see the state of the C global variables, so no data races are possible.
In free-threaded Python, global state like this is no longer safe against data
races and undefined behavior in C code. A cache of PyObject
pointers stored in
a C global array can be overwritten simultaneously by multiple Python threads,
leading to memory corruption and segfaults.
Converting global state to thread local-state
Often the easiest way to fix data races due to global state is to convert the global state to thread local state.
Python and Cython code can make use of
to declare a thread-local Python object. C and C++ code can also use the
Py_tss API
to store thread-local Python object references. PEP
539 has more details about the Py_tss
Low-level C or C++ code can make use of the
specified by recent standard versions. Note that standardization of
thread-local storage in C has been slower than C++, so you may need to use
platform-specific definitions to declare variables with thread-local
storage. Also note that thread-local storage on MSVC has
and you should not use thread-local storage for anything besides statically
defined integers and pointers.
NumPy has a NPY_TLS
in the numpy/npy_common.h
header. While you can include the numpy header and
directly on NumPy 2.1 or newer, you can also add the definition
to your own codebase, along with some build configuration tests to test for the
correct definition to use.
Making global caches thread-safe
Global caches are also a common source of thread safety issues. For example, if a function requires an expensive intermediate result that only needs to be calculated once, many C extensions store the result in a global variable. This can lead to data races and memory corruption if more than one thread simultaneously tries to fill the cache.
If the cache is not critical for performance, consider simply disabling the cache in the free-threaded build:
static int *cache = NULL;
int my_function_with_a_cache(void) {
int *my_cache = NULL;
if (cache == NULL) {
cache = get_expensive_result();
my_cache = cache;
my_cache = get_expensive_result();
// use the cache
CPython holds a per-module lock during import. This lock can be released to
avoid deadlocks in unusual cases, but in most situations module initialization
happens exactly once per interpreter in one C thread. Modules using static
single-phase initialization can therefore set up per-module state in the
function without worrying about concurrent initialization of modules in
different threads. For example, you might set up a global static cache that is
read-only after module initialization like this:
static int *cache = NULL;
PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&module);
if (mod == NULL) {
return NULL;
// don't need to lock or do anything special
cache = setup_cache();
// do rest of initialization
You can then read from cache
at runtime in a context where you know the module
is initialized without worrying about whether or not the per-module static cache
is initialized.
If the cache is critical for performance, cannot be generated at import time,
but generally gets filled quickly after a program begins, then you will need to
use a single-initialization API to ensure the cache is only ever initialized
once. In C++, use
C does not have an equivalent portable API for single initialization. If you need that, take a look at this NumPy PR for an example using atomic operations and a global mutex.
If the cache is in the form of a data container, then you can lock access to the container, like in the following example:
static PyMutex cache_lock = {0};
#define LOCK() PyMutex_Lock(&cache_lock)
#define UNLOCK() PyMutex_Unlock(&cache_lock)
#define LOCK()
#define UNLOCK()
static int *cache = NULL;
static PyObject *global_table = NULL;
int initialize_table(void) {
// called during module initialization
global_table = PyDict_New();
int function_accessing_the_cache(void) {
// use the cache
Note that, while the NumPy PR linked above uses PyThread_type_lock
, that is
only because PyMutex
was not part of the public Python C API at the time. We
recommend always using PyMutex
. For pointers on how to do that, check
this NumPy PR that ports all
usages to PyMutex
Dealing with thread-unsafe native libraries
Many C, C++, and Fortran libraries are not written in a thread-safe manner. It is still possible to call these libraries from free-threaded Python, but wrappers must add appropriate locks to prevent undefined behavior.
There are two kinds of thread unsafe libraries: reentrant and non-reentrant. A reentrant library generally will expose state as a struct that must be passed to library functions. So long as the state struct is not shared between threads, functions in the library can be safely executed simultaneously.
Wrapping reentrant libraries requires adding locking whenever the state struct is accessed.
typedef struct lib_state_struct {
low_level_library_state *state;
PyMutex lock;
} lib_state_struct;
int call_library_function(lib_state_struct *lib_state) {
int call_another_library_function(lib_state_struct *lib_state) {
With this setup, if two threads call library_function
simultaneously, one thread will block until the
other thread finishes, preventing concurrent access to lib_state->state
Non-reentrant libraries provide an even weaker guarantee: threads cannot call library functions simultaneously without causing undefined behavior. Generally this is due to use of global static state in the library. This means that non-reentrant libraries require a global lock:
static PyMutex global_lock = {0};
int call_library_function(int *argument) {
Any other wrapped function needs similar locking around each call into the library.
Dealing with thread-unsafe objects
Similar to the section above, objects may need locking or atomics if they can be concurrently modified from multiple threads. CPython 3.13 exposes a public C API that allows users to use the built-in per-object locks.
For example the following code:
int do_modification(MyObject *obj) {
return modification_on_obj(obj);
Should be transformed to:
int do_modification(MyObject *obj) {
int res;
res = modification_on_obj(obj);
return res;
A variant for locking two objects at once is also available. For more information
, please see the
Python C API documentation on critical sections.
Cython thread safety
If your extension is written in Cython, you can generally assume that
"Python-level" code that compiles to CPython C API operations on Python objects
is thread-safe, but "C-level" code (e.g. code that will compile inside a
with nogil
block) may have thread safety issues. Note that not all code outside
with nogil
blocks is thread-safe. For example, a Python wrapper for a
thread-unsafe C library is thread-unsafe if the GIL is disabled unless there is
locking around uses of the thread-unsafe library. Another example: using
thread-unsafe C-level constructs like a global variable is also thread-unsafe
if the GIL is disabled.
CPython C API usage
In the free-threaded build it is possible for the reference count of an object to change "underneath" a running thread when it is mutated by another thread. This means that many APIs that assume reference counts cannot be updated by another thread while it is running are no longer thread-safe. In particular, C code returning "borrowed" references to Python objects in mutable containers like lists may introduce thread safety issues. A borrowed reference happens when a C API function does not increment the reference count of a Python object before returning the object to the caller. "New" references are safe to use until the owning thread releases the reference, as in non free-threaded code.
Most direct uses of the CPython C API are thread-safe. There is no need to add locking for scenarios that should be bugs in CPython. You can assume, for example, that the initializer for a Python object can only be called by one thread and the C-level implementation of a Python function can only be called on one thread. Accessing the arguments of a Python function is thread-safe no matter what C API constructs are used and no matter whether the reference is borrowed or owned because two threads can't simultaneously call the same function with the same arguments from the same Python-level context. Of course it's possible to implement argument parsing in a thread-unsafe manner using thread-unsafe C or C++ constructs, but it's not possible to do so using the CPython C API.
Unsafe APIs returning borrowed references
The PyDict
and PyList
APIs contain many functions returning borrowed
references to items in dicts and lists. Since these containers are mutable,
it's possible for another thread to delete the item from the container, leading
to the item being de-allocated while the borrowed reference is still
"alive". Even code like this:
PyObject *item = Py_NewRef(PyList_GetItem(list_object, 0))
Is not thread-safe, because in principle it's possible for the list item to be
de-allocated before Py_NewRef
gets a chance to increment the reference count.
For that reason, you should inspect Python C API code to look for patterns
where a borrowed reference is returned to a shared, mutable data structure, and
replace uses of APIs like PyList_GetItem
with APIs exposed by the CPython C
API returning strong references like PyList_GetItemRef
. Not all usages are
problematic (see above) and we do not currently suggest converting all usages of
possibly unsafe APIs returning borrowed references to return new reference. This
would introduce unnecessary reference count churn in situations that are
thread-safe by construction and also likely introduce new reference counting
bugs in C or C++ code using the C API directly. However, many usages are
unsafe, and maintaining a borrowed reference to an objects that could be exposed
to another thread is unsafe.
A good starting place to find instances of this would be to look for usages of the unsafe borrowed reference APIs mentioned in the free-threading compatibility docs.
Adopt pythoncapi-compat
to use new C API functions
Rather than maintaining compatibility shims to use functions added to the C API
for Python 3.13 like PyList_GetItemRef
while maintaining compatibility with
earlier Python versions, we suggest adopting the
project as a
build-time dependency. This is a header-only library that can be vendored as
e.g. a git submodule and included to expose shims for C API functions on older
versions of Python that do not have implementations.
Some low-level APIs don't enforce locking
Some low-level functions like PyList_SET_ITEM
and PyTuple_SET_ITEM
do not
do any internal locking and should only be used to build newly created
values. Do not use them to modify existing containers in the free-threaded
Limited API support
The free-threaded build does not support the limited CPython C API. If you
currently use the limited API to build wheels that do not depend on a specific
Python version, you will not be able to use it while shipping binaries for the
free-threaded build. In practice, the limited API is a subset of the full C API,
so your extension will build, you just cannot set Py_LIMITED_API
at build
time. This also means that code inside #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED
checks can use C
API constructs outside the limited API if you would like to do that, although
these uses will need to be removed once the free-threaded build gains support
for compiling with the limited API.