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Installing a free-threaded Python

To install a free-threaded CPython interpreter, you can either use a pre-built binary or build CPython from source. The former is quickest to get started with. Building from source is not too difficult either though, and in case you hit a bug that may involve CPython itself then you may want to build from source.

Binary install options

There are a growing number of options to install a free-threaded interpreter, from the installers to Linux distro and Conda package managers.


For any of these options, please check after the install succeeds that you have a pip version that is recent enough (>=24.1), and upgrade it if that isn't the case. Older pip versions will select wheels with the cp313 tag (binary-incompatible) rather than the cp313t tag.

As a packager, what should I name the package and interpreter?

Please see this guidance from the Python Steering Council installers

The downloads page provides macOS and Windows installers that have experimental support. Note that you have to customize the install - e.g., for Windows there is a Download free-threaded binaries checkbox under "Advanced Options". See also the Using Python on Windows section of the Python 3.13 docs.

Automating the process of downloading the official installers and installing the free-threaded binaries is also possible:

On Windows, you can invoke the installer from the command-line prompt:

$url = ''
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile 'python.exe'
python.exe /quiet Include_freethreaded=1

If you are running this script without administrator privileges, a UAC prompt will trigger when you try to run the installer. The resulting Python installation will be available afterwards in AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python313\python3.13t.exe. See Installing Without UI for more information.

On macOS, you can use installer to install a macOS package you've downloaded:

curl -O

# create installer choice changes to customize the install:
#    enable the PythonTFramework-3.13 package
#    while accepting the other defaults (install all other packages)
cat > ./choicechanges.plist <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

sudo installer -pkg ./python-3.13.0rc2-macos11.pkg \
    -applyChoiceChangesXML ./choicechanges.plist \
    -target /
rm -f python-3.13.0rc2-macos11.pkg

See also this Github issue for more information.

Linux distros

Fedora ships a packaged version, which you can install with:

sudo dnf install python3.13-freethreading

This will install the interpreter at /usr/bin/python3.13t.

Nixpkgs provides cached builds under the python313FreeThreading attribute from NixOS 24.05 and newer.

With flakes enabled the following command will drop you in an ephemeral shell:

nix shell nixpkgs#python313FreeThreading

Without flakes, make sure to update your nixpkgs channel first:

sudo nix-channel --update
nix-shell -p python313FreeThreading

For Ubuntu you can use the deadsnakes PPA by adding it to your repositories and then installing python3.13-nogil:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.13-nogil


mamba create -n nogil -c conda-forge/label/python_rc python-freethreading


The manylinux containers have free-threaded builds. You can use any of the actively supported images:


Replace ... with your desired architecture, such as x86_64 or aarch64.

These images have python3.13t available, along with other commonly used tools that can target it like the latest pip, pipx, and uv.

Building from source

Currently we suggest building CPython from source using the latest version of the CPython main branch. See the build instructions in the CPython developer guide. You will need to install needed third-party dependencies before building. To build the free-threaded version of CPython, pass --disable-gil to the configure script:

./configure --with-pydebug --disable-gil

If you will be switching Python versions often, it may make sense to build CPython using pyenv. In order to do that, you can use the following:

pyenv install --debug 3.13t-dev