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Uncovering Concurrency Issues, Testing and Debugging

Until now, the GIL has allowed developers to ignore C safety issues when writing parallel programs, since the GIL ensured that all thread execution was serialized, allowing for simultaneous access to Python objects and state defined in the interpreter.

The new free-threaded model ensures that Python code access originating from other Python code frames is safe and is guaranteed to not produce any major interpreter crash, as opposed to unrestricted C code access, which can present any of the common C thread-safety issues.

Usually, concurrency issues arise when two or more threads try to modify the same value in memory. In Python, this commonly occurs when a class or function defines native shared state, either via an attribute or a variable that can be modified from native code in each thread execution scope.

The most common issues related to concurrency in the context of free-threaded CPython extensions are either dirty reads/writes to global/shared C state, unexpected behavior due to simultaneous access to C calls that are not thread-safe, and finally, major runtime crashes due to memory allocation issues and forbidden pointer lookups. While the first case depends on the actual implementation of the algorithm/routine and may produce unintended results, it would not cause a fatal crash of the interpreter, as opposed to the last two cases.

In order to discover, handle and debug concurrency issues at large, there are several strategies, which we will summarize next.

Ensure that an extension module is free-threaded compliant

We highly suggest reading the detailed guide presented on Porting Extension Modules to Support Free-Threading

pytest plugins to discover concurrency issues

As parallel testing has become a critical component to ensure compatibility with free-threaded CPython, several community-led pytest plugins have been implemented that attempt to smoke out issues by running all tests in a test suite in a concurrent manner:

The advantage of using a pytest plugin as opposed to manually using the threading and/or concurrent.futures modules mainly resides in their ability to integrate with the ecosystem constructs like markers, fixtures, skip and failure flags. For more information regarding the usage of these libraries please refer to the documentation of each project.

Repeated test execution

Given the non-deterministic nature of parallel execution, tests for code that has a concurrency issue may still pass most of the time. In order to more reliably reproduce a test failure under concurrency, we recommend using pytest-repeat, which enables the --count flag in the pytest command:

# Setting PYTHON_GIL=0 ensures that the GIL is effectively disabled.
PYTHON_GIL=0 pytest -x -v --count=100

We advise to set count to 100 (or even larger if needed), in order to ensure at least one concurrent clash event.

Writing explicitly concurrent test cases

It may be desirable to have tests using, e.g., threading or concurrent.futures in your test suite in order to prevent adding additional test dependencies or to test a particular subset of tests for concurrency issues by default. The stdlib threading module defines several low-level parallel primitives that can be used to test for concurrency, while the concurrent.futures module provides higher-level constructs.

For example, consider a method MyClass.call_unsafe that has been flagged as having concurrency issues since it mutates attributes of a shared object that is accessed by multiple threads. We can write a test for it using either threading or concurrent.futures primitives:

Example using threading:
import threading

# Library to test
from mylib import MyClass

def test_call_unsafe_concurrent_threading():
    # Defines a thread barrier that will be spawned before parallel execution
    # this increases the probability of concurrent access clashes.
    n_threads = 10
    barrier = threading.Barrier(n_threads)

    # This object will be shared by all the threads.
    cls_instance = MyClass(...)

    results = []

    def closure():
        # Ensure that all threads reach this point before concurrent execution.
        r = cls_instance.call_unsafe()

    # Spawn n threads that call call_unsafe concurrently.
    workers = []
    for _ in range(0, n_threads):

    for worker in workers:

    for worker in workers:

    # Do something about the results
    assert check_results(results)
Example using concurrent.futures:
import threading
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

# Library to test
from mylib import MyClass

def test_call_unsafe_concurrent_pool():
    # Defines a thread barrier that will be spawned before parallel execution
    # this increases the probability of concurrent access clashes.
    n_threads = 10
    barrier = threading.Barrier(n_threads)

    # This object will be shared by all the threads.
    cls_instance = MyClass(...)

    def closure():
        # Ensure that all threads reach this point before concurrent execution.
        r = cls_instance.call_unsafe()
        return r

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_threads) as executor:
        futures = [executor.submit(closure) for _ in range(n_threads)]

    results = [f.result() for f in futures]

    # Do something about the results
    assert check_results(results)

Debugging tests that depend on native calls

If your code has native dependencies, either via C/C++ or Cython, gdb (or lldb) can be used as follows:

# Setting PYTHON_GIL=0 ensures that the GIL is effectively disabled.
PYTHON_GIL=0 gdb --args python --args ...

# To test under pytest
PYTHON_GIL=0 gdb --args python -m pytest -x -v ""

# Using LLDB (under LLVM/clang)
PYTHON_GIL=0 lldb -- $(which python)

# Using LLDB (and pyenv)
PYTHON_GIL=0 lldb -- $(pyenv which python) $(pyenv which pytest) -x -v ""

When Python is run under gdb, several Python integration commands will be available, such commands start with the py- prefix. For instance, the py-bt allows to obtain a Python interpreter backtrace whenever the debugger hits a native frame, this allows to improve the tracking of execution between Python and native frames1.

For more information about gdb and lldb commands, we encourage reading the GDB to LLDB command map page in the official LLVM docs.

Cython debugging

Since Cython produces intermediate C/C++ sources that then are compiled into native code, stepping through may get difficult if done solely from the C source file. In order to get through such difficulty, Cython includes the cygdb extension, which enables gdb to go through large sections of C code that are equivalent to a single Cython declaration.

Enabling cygdb requires the compilation of Cython sources with the --gdb flag. After the sources are compiled and linked, it can be used as follows:

# For example, running the tests of scikit-image.
# build/cp313td/ contains the trace files generated by Cython to be compatible
# with cygdb
PYTHON_GIL=0 cygdb build/cp313td/ -- --args python -m  pytest -x -v skimage/

Since cygdb requires the Python interpreter version used to compile gdb to match the one to be used during the execution of the script, recompiling gdb will be necessary in order to ensure the most complete debugging experience. We recommend the gdb compilation instructions provided by the Linux from scratch project.

cygdb defines a set of commands prefixed by cy that replace the usual gdb commands. For example cy run will start the program with the Cython debugging extensions enabled, cy break will define a breakpoint on a function with the Cython definition name, cy next will step over a Cython line, which is equivalent to several lines in the produced C code.

Detecting issues in CPython

If a debugging session suggests that an error/bug is incoming from CPython, we recommend installing a debug instance. The easiest way to accomplish this is via pyenv:

pyenv install --debug --keep 3.13.1

This command will not only install a debug distribution of CPython, but also will ensure that the source files are kept as well, such files will be loaded by gdb/lldb at the moment of debugging. For more information regarding CPython installation sources, please visit the Installing a free-threaded Python page.

Frequently seen errors and how to fix them

These are error messages that we see come up often when working with code or development workflows that have not been updated to accommodate the free-threaded build. We also provide suggested fixes. Please send in pull requests to the repository for this document if you run into any confusing free-threading-specific errors that you suspect apply to other libraries and aren't covered here.

Cython compilation errors: unknown type name '__pyx_vectorcallfunc'

This happens if you try to build a Cython extension for the free-threaded build using the current stable release of Cython (3.0.11 at the time of writing). The current stable release of Cython does not support the free-threaded build. You must either build Cython from the master branch on Github or use the nightly wheel:

pip install -i cython

See the porting guide for more detail about porting Cython code to work under free-threading.

You may wonder why you are able to install a wheel for the current Cython release at all. This is because Cython ships a pure-python wheel tagged with py2.py3-none-any, which pip will install if it cannot find another wheel that is compatible. A future version of Cython will ship a wheel with compiled code that supports the free-threaded build.

The current nightly wheel is a pure-python build, so it works on all architectures. The pure-python version of Cython is usually only marginally slower than a compiled version, so you should default to installing the wheel in CI instead of compiling Cython, which can take up to a few minutes on some CI runners.

Compiling CPython and foundational packages with thread sanitizer (TSAN)

Thread sanitizer (or TSAN) helps to detect C/C++ data races in concurrent systems. This tool can help to reveal free-threading related bugs in CPython and foundational packages (e.g. numpy). In this section we provide the commands to build a free-threading compatible CPython interpreter and packages with TSAN and other hints to discover potential data races.

cpython_sanity docker images

To ease working with thread sanitizer in projects that use Python, NumPy, and SciPy, we have create a set of docker images that contain a pre-built Python interpreter and common dependencies that can be tricky to build.

See the cpython_sanity repository for more information about how to use the docker images.

Compile free-threaded CPython with TSAN

  • Clone the latest stable branch (3.13):
git clone -b 3.13
  • Configure and build the interpreter. Below instructions are for Linux (Windows and macOS may require some changes). We skip the instructions on how to install the Clang compiler.
cd cpython
CC=clang-18 CXX=clang++-18 ./configure --disable-gil --with-thread-sanitizer --prefix $PWD/cpython-tsan
make -j 8
make install
  • To use the built Python interpreter:
# Create a virtual environment:
$PWD/cpython-tsan/bin/python3.13t -m venv ~/tsanvenv
# Then activate it:
source ~/tsanvenv/bin/activate

python -VV
# Python 3.13.1 experimental free-threading build (tags/v3.13.1:06714517797, Dec 19 2024, 10:06:54) [Clang 18.1.3 (1ubuntu1)]
PYTHON_GIL=0 python -c "import sys; print(sys._is_gil_enabled())"
# False

# Exit the `cpython` folder (preparation for the next step below)
cd ..

If you use pyenv, you can also enable a thread sanitizer build with pyenv install like so:

CC=/path/to/clang CXX=/path/to/clang++ CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-thread-sanitizer" pyenv install 3.14t-dev

And then activate the build with e.g. pyenv local 3.14t-dev.


On MacOS, you may see messages like this when you start Python:

python(7027,0x1f6dfc240) malloc: nano zone abandoned due to inability to reserve vm space.

This message is being emmitted by the MacOS malloc implementation. As explained here, this happens for any program compiled with thread sanitizer on MacOS and can be safely ignored by setting the MallocNanoZone environment variable to 0. You should only set this in session you are running thread sanitizer under, as this setting will slow down other programs that allocate memory.

Compile NumPy with TSAN

  • Get the source code (for example, the main branch)
git clone --recursive
  • Install the build requirements:
cd numpy
python -m pip install -r requirements/build_requirements.txt
# Make sure to install a compatible Cython version (master branch is best for now)
python -m pip install -U git+
  • Build the package
CC=clang-18 CXX=clang++-18 python -m pip install -v . --no-build-isolation -Csetup-args=-Db_sanitize=thread
# or with debug info
# CC=clang-18 CXX=clang++-18 python -m pip install -v . --no-build-isolation -Csetup-args=-Db_sanitize=thread -Csetup-args=-Dbuildtype=debugoptimized

Running python under TSAN

Useful TSAN options

  • By default TSAN reports warnings. To stop execution on TSAN errors, use:
TSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1 python -m pytest

See the TSAN documentation for a full listing of options accepted by TSAN.

  • To add TSAN suppressions (written in a file: tsan-suppressions):
# Let's show an example content of suppressions,
# more info:
cat $PWD/tsan-suppressions


export TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=$PWD/tsan-suppressions" python -m pytest

Running pytest tests under TSAN

By default, pytest captures all output from tests, this means that you might only see output like ThreadSanitizer: reported 2 warnings, but with no accompanying report with details about the warning.

To ensure that pytest doesn't capture any output from ThreadSanitizer, you can pass -s (short for --show-capture) to your pytest invocation.

Some authors of this guide have observed hangs running pytest with halt_on_error=1. If you observe hangs, try setting halt_on_error=0 in TSAN_OPTIONS.

The pytest-xdist plugin can also sometimes be problematic if a test runner happens to crash during execution. While pytest-xdist does have some support for detecting crashed worker, it is not foolproof and the authors of this guide have observed hangs on CI due to pytest-xdist not properly handling a worker failing due to a TSAN error.

The pytest-xdist plugin also makes it impossible to obtain stdout from a test runner, so there is no way to see TSAN output if there is an issue. This can lead to hangs on CI machines with no accompanying error report to explain the nature of the hang. For that reason we suggest uninstalling pytest-xdist from your environment to ensure it isn't used. If you need to use pytest-xdist to make the tests complete in a reasonable amount of time, we suggest using pytest-timeout to ensure hung tests eventually exit, particularly on CI.

TSAN includes a check to ensure allocators never fail. This can lead to runtime crashes if a test happens to try allocating a very large block of memory specifically to ensure such an allocation does fail correctly. Set allocator_may_return_null=1 in TSAN_OPTIONS to avoid this.

If a TSAN warning is detected, the exit code of the running process will be set to a nonzero value (66, by default). If for some reason that is problematic in your test suite then you can set exitcode=0 in TSAN_OPTIONS to make TSAN quit "successfully" if a warning is detected. For example, you might set this if a subprocess returning a nonzero exit code unexpectedly breaks a test.

Altogether, a pytest invocation using TSAN might look like:

$ TSAN_OPTIONS='allocator_may_return_null=1 halt_on_error=1' pytest -s

  1. This feature is not correctly working on lldb after CPython 3.12.